[ANTON] Hi, my name is Anton. I am a professional makeup artist and I’ve been doing makeup for about 20 years.
[MATILDE] Hi, I’m Matilde, and I’m a professional hairstylist and I’ve been doing hair for about 20 years as well.
[ANTON] I’m excited to be a part of this project because I’m honored, first of all, to work with the MG community. Education is a huge part of what I do. I love empowering people when it comes to beauty and I know how intimidating it can be, so I want to give people the tools that they need to help them feel their most beautiful.
[MATILDE] We just want to remind everyone that we are giving these tips just so that you can have a roadmap to making yourself feel better. Because inside and out, you are beautiful, we are all beautiful, and we’re just wanting to give everybody that little bit of confidence. We want to just take you to a place where you feel great about yourself
[ANTON] You’re beautiful just the way you are and that’s just the way it is. That’s truly how we feel. These tips and tricks that you’re going to see are simply to enhance your natural beauty, just to give you a little bit of that strength you can take on the world, you can do anything. That’s really what it’s all about. I truly feel that what we do it’s not about how you look, it’s about how you feel. Sometimes when you know how to just take that extra little step, you just… you feel so much better. You really feel like you could just take over and do it all. Like it really… there is a shift there.
[ANTON] When you have a little bit of that confidence and you can really take advantage of those tips and tricks and apply them to your everyday life, it’s going to truly affect the way you feel. I think that’s the real gift.
[ANTON] And it doesn’t have to be overly complicated. It doesn’t have to be this like huge process. It could be very, very simple.