Living with MG

MG lifestyle videos
Browse through our video library to get tips for living with myasthenia gravis (MG). From personal style to physical activity, these videos are designed to inspire, empower, and remind people that they are “More than MG”.
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MOVE for mg
Get movement tips from Liz P., a physical therapist who is also living with MG.

Episode 1: Meet Physical Therapist Liz Plowman, PT, DPT, OCS, TPS

Episode 2: Physical Therapy vs. Occupational Therapy

Episode 3: The Importance of Movement for People Living with MG

Episode 4: Seated Movement Demonstrations for MG

Episode 5: Standing Movement Demonstrations for MG
Embracing Self-Care with MG
View style and beauty tips for people living MG from professional makeup artist, Anton, and professional hairstylist, Matilde.

Episode 1: The Power of Confidence with Myasthenia Gravis

Episode 2: Saving Energy When Styling Your Hair with Myasthenia Gravis

Episode 3: Makeup Tips for Facial Asymmetry with Myasthenia Gravis

Episode 4: Feeling Fabulous with False Lashes and MG

Episode 5: Tips for Men Living with Myasthenia Gravis

Episode 6: Low-Maintenance Hairstyles with MG

Episode 7: Tips on Maintaining Edges With Myasthenia Gravis

Episode 8: Facial Hair Tips for Men With Myasthenia Gravis